Gill Cohn
Warp and Weft
I'm a mixed media artist working with delicate materials, thin filmy layers of paper and silk, sometimes eco printed, that become resilient when exposed to the encaustic or felting process. I love this paradox. I build up layers including monotype and photographic prints, fibres and coloured inks.
Nature inspires me. I enjoy making images that evolve as one looks at them, ... sparking associations that develop and deepen. I combine elements that wouldn't normally be seen together, creating a new entity which is meaningful to me.
Somehow, one process leads to another. Recently, I've been working with Joomchi, sometimes turning my hand made paper into vessels or stitching pieces together to make wall hangings.
Mixed media cuffs, necklaces and earrings that are lightweight and flexible have evolved out of my experimentation. The journey continues. I know how lucky I am to have been able to indulge my curiousity.
The warp and weft of life and creativity ... guiding what may happen by chance.